Aviation Management

AV Research Enginespinner
Technical & Operational

Integration of technical and operational rules and guidelines into customized documentation for most efficient operations.

AV Research Navdisplay Radar

Assessing existing structures, creating new and optimizing existing procedures and implementation of required structures – all customized to your company´s culture.

Cockpitphoto by blake-guidry
Human Resources

Building strong values for an efficient and healthy working environment.

Selection – Assessment – Employment

Justitia tingey-injury-law-firm
Legal & Environmental

National and international relations are all around in aviation. We have the partners to fit your needs.

AV Research Himalayaview
Unmanned Flight

Certain projects are yet on the horizon and will show up soon…

AV Research Piper 28
General Aviation

Education and flight training to a high-end industry standard with well experienced partners at various locations.

SpaceX Launch
Next Flight Level: Space

What will come up next?

Maybe more than we can imagine! Let´s have an encouraged view to future developments!

AV Research Winteroperation
Experts for your advantage
AV Research Inner Engine


AV Research Himalayaview


AV Research Navdisplay Radar
